Laura Kronen Laura Kronen

15 Ways to Hold Kids Responsible

Not holding children responsible turns them into adults who think the world owes them a favor. How do you hold your kids accountable and prevent them from becoming entitled brats? Here are some tips:

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Days of the Year Laura Kronen Days of the Year Laura Kronen

7 of the Most Popular St. Patrick’s Day Traditions

St. Patrick's Day, the day of the year where everyone claims to be a wee bit Irish, has a rich and fascinating history. This holiday is celebrated annually on March 17th and is loved by people all around the world. But where did this day come from? What are the origins of this holiday, and what are some of the most fun traditions associated with it? The luck of the Irish must be with you because I have all of the answers for you.

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Homeschooling Laura Kronen Homeschooling Laura Kronen

Public School Access for Homeschoolers

Many homeschooling families wonder whether they have access to public schools and the resources they offer, such as extracurricular activities, special education services, and advanced coursework. The answer to this question varies depending on the state and school district, but in general, homeschoolers do have some access to public school resources.

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Days of the Year Laura Kronen Days of the Year Laura Kronen

Pi Day -A Celebration of Irrationality

Happy Pi Day! It’s March 14th, which means it’s time to celebrate one of the most irrational, yet beloved, mathematical constants in the world. Pi (π) is a never-ending, never-repeating number that has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world, and today we celebrate it in all its infinite glory.

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