Do You Know What They Are Really Teaching Your Children in School?


There are so many reasons to consider homeschooling right now, but there is one that is always at the forefront of my head. More concerning than COVID for sure….Why would you want to turn over your precious child, who you have nurtured since birth, to someone else for the most formative years of their life? I wonder how many people have ever thought of it that way? Over 2100 days, or 16,000 hours of your child’s life is spent with people that you know absolutely nothing about, learning things and having opinions subconsciously pushed upon them that you might not be OK with.

When children are away from their parents for 8 hours a day (or more!) they are sitting on metal chairs in a groupthink environment. The government is brainwashing them both subliminally and outright with their agenda du jour. And they do this without them, or you, even noticing. Governments will not stop at merely controlling what their citizens can do (just try to walk into a Target without a mask); they also must control their minds. And, they need to begin at a very early age. Indoctrination happens through many different channels - the entertainment industry, speeches and censorship of social media, but the main vehicle of choice is the public school system. The truth is you have NO idea what your kids are being taught in school.

Schools have a captive group of pliable young minds for a dozen or so years. They may not always be able to figure out how to make your children smart and successful, but they can at least make them passive and obedient with a camouflaged leftist ideology. The passive part is essential. People who are indoctrinated do not arrive at conclusions through their own line of thinking, but instead by hearing the same thing repeated in a zillion different ways, until they finally accept it as the undeniable truth. Just try debating a public school student about climate change.

It is not the responsibility of the educational system to tell students what to think about controversial issues, but to enable them to examine the different sides of an issue before making up their minds. Yet, this is not what happens. The disgraceful attempt at indoctrinating children steals their innocence. And teaches them to turn against their parents by rejecting their family values. Practically all of our current social issues can be directly traced to this undermining of family and the promoting of social agenda.

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It took COVID-19 for many parents to see what their children have been exposed to in school: hatred, divisiveness, the erasing of history, a graphic sex education, and the personal beliefs of teachers and professors. Liberal causes are welcomed with ease while any conservative viewpoints are not tolerated and not allowed. Education is not the most important aspect of public school anymore. It’s activism. Education teaches students to use what they learn to ask their own questions, while activism hands them the questions and the only acceptable answers. Activism doesn’t seek to educate, but to indoctrinate. It rewards compliance, no matter how ignorant or uninformed, while punishing dissent, no matter how enlightened or true. The schools are creating workers, not free thinkers. Independent thought and free expression are greatly discouraged and are often cracked down upon harshly. Our classrooms are being hijacked by an authoritative government whose endgame is not democracy, but tyranny.

Common Core is the perfect example of stifling independent thought and intellectual development, and instead emphasizing skills over content, process over product, and relative standards over absolute ones.  There is no critical thinking and understanding. Students just need to have the “right” viewpoint. Sadly, this extends to most subjects, even art class. Right before I withdrew my children from public school I went to an art show for the elementary school where all of the children were instructed to “copy” the same Georgia O’Keeffe flower. I just kept looking at hundreds of the same exact erotic looking flower over, and over, and over, in the same exact colors and I felt like I was in some dystopian hell.

Erotic Flower

Classroom indoctrination destroys democracy at the source by manipulating the minds of future citizens when they are at their youngest, most trusting, and most vulnerable. So what are the solutions? How do we stop the creation of a new generation of intellectually stifled drones? My only answer is good teachers. Independent teachers. Surely, many exist right now, but are not permitted to teach from a “thinking” point of view. I truly believe the best teachers in the world are parents. There is no one on this earth, who has the best interests of your children in mind, than you.

Homeschooling for the win!

Homeschool Happily: Yes, You Can! is available on the SHOP page

Homeschool Happily

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