Too Sweet: The Not-So-Serious Side to Diabetes


Life is hardly sugary sweet when you’re a card-carrying member of the diabetic club—whether you’re diagnosed with the disease yourself or have a loved one who is.

But if laughter is the best medicine, then Too Sweet is just what the doctor ordered: a candid, humorous, and empathetic guide to living with diabetes, written by a life coach with twenty years of experience as a type 1 diabetic.

Born with a hatred of needles and a love of sweets, Laura Kronen shares a wide variety of personal insights relating to the diabetic life. They are often comforting and sometimes embarrassing, but always brutally honest.

From addressing common diabetic myths to detailing highs and lows and dealing with that pesky “disease” label, this refreshing and lighthearted look at type 1 and 2 is one that anyone affected by diabetes will be sure to find inspiring and relatable.

Without reciting dry medical information or harping on scary complications, Too Sweet is all about focusing on the present moment. So if you’re craving something uplifting, you’ll find a new friend and confidante in this unique guide, written by someone who has been through it all.

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The beauty of your story is that it’s yours.

Laura Kronen